King's College London Emergency Medicine Society (KCL EMS) holds monthly academic forums covering various topics in EM and PHEM ranging from cardiac arrest and airway management to submersion injury and psychiatric emergencies. These fora include talks from world-leading consultants in current areas of research, case studies and technological advances. Finally, each academic forum ends with a case presentation from a PCP student followed by a discussion and social.
These academic forums are a great way to hear and learn about Ambulance and Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) cases. Presentations from EM and PHEM consultants can introduce students to the science, operating procedures and thought processes which go into the advanced medical and surgical interventions faced by these teams.
Academic fora are also a great place to meet students from other medical schools and other allied health professionals such as paramedics, nurses and their respective associated students.
KCL EMS runs its academic forums on the first Tuesday of each month within term months (September to May). To keep up to date with future academic forums and other events please follow our Facebook page and Twitter, check our events page or see below.

Clinical Governance is a fundamental aspect of medicine. The ever-changing, ever-improving nature of medicine requires that guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) are adapted and updated on a regular basis. In particular, regular clinical audit is required to maintain these high standards and to identify any areas of weakness. This is especially important in highly acute areas of Medicine such as Prehospital Medicine.
Air Ambulance Trusts all over the UK hold monthly Clinical Governance Days (CGDs). These are generally open to all medical professional groups and their associated students. CGDs are an excellent way for medical students to get introduced to the processes of audit, clinical governance and research. In addition, students can learn from world-leading experts on areas of Prehospital and Emergency Medicine as well as Anaesthetics and Intensive Care.
London's Air Ambulance (LAA) holds monthly clinical governance days (CGDs) on the first Thursday of every month.
At every CGD there is a longitudinal audit of Medic 1 (the day-time helicopter crew), Medic 2 (the night-time response vehicle crew) and the Physician Response Unit.
There are often talks from leading experts on research areas of Prehospital Medicine and associated medical specialties. Finally, there are also case reviews, journal reviews by elective students and clinical updates on best practice.
To register for LAA CDGs please visit their website and sign-up using the form. NB: You must sign up with an institutional email address to verify your involvement in the medical services. Each CGD is approved for 6 continuing professional development (CPD) points and a certificate will be issued to all registered participants on the day.
Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Trust (EHAAT) holds monthly CGDs on the third Tuesday of every month.
There are longitudinal audits of the helicopter and response vehicle crews as well as talks from expert external speakers on areas of pre-hospital medicine and associated areas of medicine.
Furthermore, there are talks and due to the ideal location of the CGDs at North Weald Airfield, there are demonstrations from East of England Ambulance Service and the local police and fire services regarding joint emergency-services operations.
To sign up for EHAAT CGDs please contact with your name, job title, organisation name or university and the date of the Clinical Governance Day you wish to attend. The email should come from a recognised institution email address such as a work or university email, but not a personal email address.
Attending conferences is an excellent way to keep up to date with current research and technology in Emergency (EM) and Prehospital Medicine (PHEM). Most conferences are held yearly and include talks from industry-leading experts as well as skills workshops, moulages and simulation scenarios.
In addition, evidence of conferences attendance can demonstrate a keen interest and passion for EM and PHEM on CVs, e-portfolios and job applications.
KCL EMS holds a yearly Extreme Medicine conference covering Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Care both in hospital and ambulance environments but also environments ranging from disaster zones and humanitarian crises to high altitude, space and polar regions. The conference has world-leading experts giving talks on medicine, trauma, infectious disease and also military medicine. There are also multiple workshops, moulages and simulation exercises. For more information, please visit our conference page and keep an eye on our events page for details of our next conference.